Have you experienced a whirlwind life?
Do you have so many questions that boggles your mind?
Have you ever feel of giving up?
Being married makes you a greater person?
These queries may not have easy answers….but time may help you realize the path on straightening out these confusions and incertitudes.
I became too contravene on things my guardians were mandating me. As if I wanted to do things opposite their directives. Which commence the "World War" between my folks and me. It even reached to a point that i had overstated my college life. Even thought of discontinuing my course. My classmates graduated already but still, I'm in the midst of bipolar syndrome. Whether or not to pursue the study. Had a self-pity moment that time, I was too weak to handle the circumstances, thought of it as Armageddon of my existence. As time goes by, with the help of my Big faith to God, i realized that being a rebel wasn't a solution for the occurrences which took place. Mistakes are just lessons learned which made me a better person, more so, a tenacious one…… so i settled to finish my academic works. Luckily, passed it with flying colors, even emit a bonus of scraping through the licensure exam…. the blessings never stopped there.
Got exemplary jobs, travelled on different countries, met my life-long partner. It seems I was destined to strive hard because of the obstacles i underwent. As they say, "Everything has a purpose"….
Even if you won't agree with everything i say, hope you'll be invigorated. Be challenged in those areas where you've made too many mistakes too often.
Whenever i reminisce those impediments I've encountered, I could crawl under a chair most especially when i think about some of the stupid things I've done. If it weren't for my faith, God's grace and pardon, I'm quite certain I never would have conquer the guilt and remorse of the self-centered life I led for couple of years.
Luckily, God is still in the business of turning ashes into beauty, and over the years He's done an incredible métier of that for me.
Having a marriage license and a mate doesn't change our basic personalities, nor does it automatically solve any problems.
So, if you feel as though you've blown it too often and too badly, remember me and be encouraged. If I'm savable, anybody is.
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