On the 26th of November 2009, We remember with thanksgiving and sorrow our beloved MARIE ANTOINETTE H. YCO ...it's her first death anniversary....i'm invitiing all of her friends, colleagues, our relatives and those who were close to her to say a prayer....if you guys have time on thursday, we will be having a mass/ prayer for Toni at 10am in our house...you may pm me for details.....and we will be very thankful for any effort you can extend for our dear Toni...a prayer will do...but your presence is better..... 'He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man.' ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry As they say, death is God's last and greatest gift to the living.....The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity....Is death the last sleep? No - it is the last and final awakening...Let us all understand that death is not an eraser. It does not remove the deeds or the meanings that existed in anyone's life. It does not make poor men rich or great men fallible. And when death comes, let us not romanticize its presence nor the person it takes from us. Let us see death for what it really is: a border that we all must cross; a border that, more than any other, defines the lives we are able to lead. Do not mourn for those who cross over. Rather, reflect on the definition they've left behind. It is the only truth we are able to know here on earth. When the definition is great, then celebrate it. When it is lacking, then learn from it and improve on it. And use it to make your own definition more truthful and loving and miraculous.
I would like to share this poem about reminiscin'....
Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break, but all in vain. To have, to love, and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things But some they wipe out never. Like memories of those happy times When we were all together. ~ (Author unknown)
...I miss my sister...but i know she's in heaven now and with our Almighty God... May you rest in peace sis! We love you so much.... Till we meet again....
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